Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Portal Add a New Language

If the date does not display correctly in Portal the locale might not be fully supported by Portal. To rectify this add the Language en_ZA. You access the XML configuration interface using a command line tool. This command line client is a small separate program that connects to the server using an HTTP connection or a secure HTTPS connection with SSL. It is therefore possible to configure the portal remotely.

Full syntax: /WebSphere/PortalServer/bin/xmlaccess.sh -url localhost:10038/wps/config -in CreatLanguage.xml -out /tmp/result.xml

Should run with: ./xmlaccess.sh -in /tmp/CreateLanguage.xml
respond to user/passwd prompts
must have admin rights to import the new lang.

Here is the CreateLanguage.xml file to add the lang/locale en_ZA:

English - South Africa

1 comment:

  1. Sorry people the blog is not allowing me to post the xml - here is the link to the info center.



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