Thursday, December 17, 2009

JCR Explorer and XPath

Been running a lot of XPath queries in JCR explorer these days, trying to fix some syndication issues.

For example, getting error...

Could not save item with id DepRef(id:121212121 type: nonDraft:true draft:false purged:false parentId:919191919 timeStamp:123 stateUpdate: false versions:null moved: false) because it could not find its parent.

...means parent uuid on subscriber does not match parent uuid on syndicator. To verify, in JCR Explorer, run the following queries on both systems...

//element(*, ibmcontentwcm:siteArea)[@jcr:uuid = '121212121']
//element(*, ibmcontentwcm:siteArea)[@jcr:uuid = '919191919']

You will undoubtedly find both uuids on syndicator, but not subscriber. This will be the case even if site areas show as existing on both machines from within the authoring portlet on the subscriber.

One way to fix...

1. Delete site area child and parent on subscriber
2. Edit site area on syndicator and then save, to give item a fresh time stamp.
3. Re-syndicate

I will be adding some more syndication solutions based on the questions I have received.

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