Monday, February 19, 2018

SalesForce Marketing Cloud - System level variables

Hey All

A quick reference guide for system variables which are always hand to know :

view online = %%view_email_url%%
email address = %%emailaddr%%
name of campaign = %%emailName_%%
forward to a friend = %%ftaf_url%%
unsubscribe = %%unsub_center_url%%
profile center = %%profile_center_url%%
subscription center = %%subscription_center_url%%
sender reply name = %%replyname%%
sender reply email address = %%replyemailaddress%%
business name = %%Member_Busname%%
business address = %%Member_Addr%%
business city = %%Member_City%%
business state = %%Member_State%%
business postal code = %%Member_PostalCode%%
business country = %%Member_Country%% 

And its always good to know how to work with URLS in your e-mail :

URL from list href="%%=RedirectTo(variable)=%%"

Variable as URL parameter

Variable as part of the URL
%%[set @url = concat("",variable)]%%

Remove tracking from a URL
href="%%=concat('link you do NOT want to track')=%%"

Stay tuned as there is so much more to come.

May the force be with you.

Kind Regards

Friday, February 9, 2018

SalesForce Marketing Cloud - Ampscript

Hi All

Below I have added simple coupon code implementation using ampscript.

Some important points to note:

  1. I have the messagecontext as preview - when sending it should be send
  2. My data extension is called Coupons ( this should be replaced with your own if needed)
  3. This is merely a skeleton and you can write so much more to the data extension :-)

var @em, @couponRow, @couponCode
if _messagecontext == "PREVIEW" then
set @couponCode = "XX TEST XX"

/* include your sendable attribute/column here */
set @em = AttributeValue("emailAddr")

set @couponRow = ClaimRow("Coupons", "IsClaimed", "EmailAddress", @em)

if empty(@couponRow) then

/* You can do other error handling here if you want.*/
/* This aborts the send */
RaiseError("No coupons available", false)

SET @couponCode = Field(@couponRow, "CouponCode")


Here's your coupon code: %%=v(@couponCode)=%%

My the force be with you.

Kind Regards


Hey All

So in the midst of the crazy rat race one does not always get the opportunity to blog as much as I did before...but as an advocate for knowledge share I  dedicating more time to sharing my many tech adventures in an ever quest to support our global tech community.

Stay tuned as I will be posting more solutions soon.

Kind Regards
J Slinger

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