Wednesday, February 3, 2010

कस्तोमिसेद औथोरिंग टूल्स

Inline Editing

So now I have tested the inline editing jsp done by David De Vos.Simply brilliant!
Really offers you the ability to offer easier editing to content authors.

Attached Mr David De Vos's Code - Let me know if you have any hassles.

<%@page session="false" contentType="text/html" %>
<%@page import="*"%>
<%@page import="*"%>
<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/wcm.tld" prefix="wcm" %>

// An example of a custom 'New' Authoring Tools link which allows the action to be targeted at
// a specific server as well as passing in the current site area and authoring template.
// In WCM 6.1, this JSP can be further customised to set the values of various fields, see
// the InfoCenter topic on Remote Actions for what is possible

// 1. Set the value of 's_authoringServerNameAndPort' to match the name and port of your authoring server
// NOTE: You will need to have single-sign working between the current server and the authoring otherwise the user
// will need to login
// 2. [Optional] Customise the HTML produced for the 'New' link on line 111
// 3. Add this JSP to the following locations on all authoring nodes and any rendering nodes that use Inline Editing
// \installedApps\WCM_Authoring_UI_1k9qukya.ear\1k9qukya.war\jsp\html
// \installedApps\WCM_Local_ng_Portlet_PA_dm010y1.ear\dm010y1.war\jsp\html
// \installedApps\\wcm.ear\ilwwcm.war\jsp\html (only required for servlet rendering)
// 4. Add a JSP Component that references this JSP
// 5. In your Authoring tools component, set the 'New action design' to a Component tag that references the library
// component created in step 4

// David de Vos

// The name and port of your authoring server
String s_authoringServerNameAndPort = "[Auth server plus port ID]";

// Retrieve current users workspace
Workspace workspace = (Workspace) pageContext.getAttribute(Workspace.WCM_WORKSPACE_KEY);

// Retrieve the current Rendering Context
RenderingContext renderingContext = (RenderingContext) pageContext.getRequest().getAttribute(Workspace.WCM_RENDERINGCONTEXT_KEY);

if ((workspace != null) && (renderingContext != null))
// Get current authoring template
DocumentId currentAuthoringTemplateId = null;
Content currentContent = renderingContext.getContent();
if (currentContent != null)
currentAuthoringTemplateId = currentContent.getAuthoringTemplateID();

// Get current site area
DocumentId currentSiteAreaId = null;
String fullPath = renderingContext.getPath();
if (fullPath != null)
String siteAreaPath =;
// If Content name is in path, then strip it out (won't be if current URL was to a site area)
if (currentContent != null)
int index = siteAreaPath.lastIndexOf(currentContent.getName());
if (index > 0)
siteAreaPath = siteAreaPath.substring(0, index-1);
DocumentIdIterator parentSiteAreaIdIterator = workspace.findByPath(siteAreaPath, Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_PUBLISHED | Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_EXPIRED);
if (parentSiteAreaIdIterator.hasNext())
currentSiteAreaId = parentSiteAreaIdIterator.nextId();

// Build 'New' link URL
StringBuffer newLinkURL = new StringBuffer();
if (currentAuthoringTemplateId != null)
// Include the current authoring template if known
if (currentSiteAreaId != null)
// Include the current site area if known

// Render the Link..

Yours in Websphere

Jerome Slinger


  1. Do not see the code. Would love to check it out.


  2. I see it now. Could not see it in IE but could in Firefox.


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