Thursday, October 6, 2011

Migration version 6.0 to & - Checking your Versions

Hello Everyone

I am currently busy with a migration from version 6.0 to 7.

Prior to your migration it is important to ensure that you are on the most recent Fixpacks for both your 6 and 7 environment.

Finding your current Portal Version:

On Windows : run %WPS_HOME%\bin\WPVersionInfo.bat (e.g) c:\WebSphere\PortalServer\bin\WPVersionInfo.bat

On Unix : run $WPS_HOME/bin/ (e.g) /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer/bin/

What your report looks like:

IBM WebSphere Portal Product Installation Status Report

Report at date and time 2011-10-06T10:55:59+02:00

Product Directory /WebSphere/PortalServer
Version Directory /WebSphere/PortalServer/version
DTD Directory /WebSphere/PortalServer/version/dtd
Log Directory /WebSphere/PortalServer/version/log
Backup Directory /WebSphere/PortalServer/version/backup
TMP Directory /tmp

Installation Platform
Name IBM WebSphere Portal
Version 6.0

Technology List
MP installed
PDM installed
WCM installed
PZN installed

Installed Product
Name IBM WebSphere Portal MultiPlatform
Build Level wp6015_008_02
Build Date 11/08/2008

Installed Product
Name IBM WebSphere Portal Document Manager
Build Level wp6015_008_02
Build Date 11/08/2008

Installed Product
Name IBM WebSphere Portal Personalization
Build Level wp6015_008_02
Build Date 11/08/2008

Installed Product
Name IBM WebSphere WebSphere Portal Web Content Manager
Build Level wp6015_008_02
Build Date 11/08/2008

End Installation Status Report

You will notice that my current fix pack level is so it's installing more fixpacks for me :-)

Will add that process as well.

Yours in WebSphere
Jerome Slinger

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Preparing to migrate - 6.0.x to 7

Before starting the migration, go through this checklist:

Apply the latest cumulative fixpack on the 7.0 server. Refer to the IBM Support document, “Recommended Updates for WebSphere Portal and Web Content Management V7.0,” for more details.

Both the 6.x and 7.x servers should be using IBM DB2®. We tested these steps using DB2, but you can try the same with other relational databases (CloudScape is not supported).

Back up the JavaTM Content Repository (JCR) database on the 6.x server, and back up all the databases on the 7.0 server. So, in case there is a problem, you can restore the 7.0 databases to their previous working state and start over.

Verify that database-related properties in the Wkplc properties files on the 7.0 server have the correct information on all current databases being used besides the JCR database (JCRDB).

Delete the subscriber and syndicator pairs from the 6.x server before attempting the migration.

Check for any duplicate entries in the JCRSTLINKS table using following query:

select WSID , SIID , TNSID , TNAME , TIX, count(*)
group by WSID , SIID , TNSID , TNAME , TIX having count(*) > 1

If you get any results from the above query, find the content with the name in TNAME column and delete it from the Authoring UI before backing up the 6.x database.

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